
Stronghold Controls

Keyboard Controls
GShow compass
OCreate a leader (before all 5 are created), or view a leader when on screen with his keep
VToggle view between postcard and overhead
B or LSet pyramid to 100% build
TSet pyramid to 100% train
RSet pyramid to 100% recruit
CCenter pyramid
< or -Decrease magnet by one
> or +Increase magnet by one
EnterCycles through available pyramids
TabSelects a pyramid
Esc or F1View options screen
Escacts as an Exit from any menu.
F5 - F8Selects first, second, third, or fourth visible building
1 - 5Selects one of the five leaders listed on right side of screen
Arrow KeysMove around map
PPause on/off
Control-SSound effects on/off
Control-MMusic on/off
HHomes the unit
RReadies the unit
UUnassigns the unit
Alt/Qsets all characters to QUICK (computer control).
Spacereturns characters to normal control from QUICK.
Alt/Mtoggles spells on/off for characters set to QUICK.
Alt/Stoggles sound on/off
Alt/Ttoggles music on/off